Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cyberspace Tutoring – Zeroing On Legitimate Jobs

Regardless if you're a teacher or an expert in a particular language, musical instrument, math or other discipline, finding legitimate homeshoring online tutoring jobs can be frustrating unless you first conduct a little research . There are many resources available to assist you in you search.  You can structure your search to including online classifieds, tutoring service websites, grocery store bulletin boards and print newspapers.  You have done the hard work and zero in om some possibilities but still have to answer the one million dollar question; how do I distinguish legitimate homeshoring work from the scams out there?

Research All Leads
The first step toward finding legitimate homeshoring work as a tutor is to research all leads. Researching those who were referred to you, ads posted by individuals or services and those who contact you via ads you post can help protect you from being scammed. As a homeshoring professional, you want to provide the best services possible and avoid any unnecessary hassles, so finding out who you will be working for is essential.

Common ways to research leads include:
·         Visiting tutoring service websites and conducting a business search using tools provided by the Better Business Bureau.
·         Contact tutoring services to learn more about payment, types of work available, how much travel if ant is involved and other important information about assignments.
·         When contacting individuals, find out what their needs are, where they are located and why the decision to advertise for a tutor online.
If a tutoring service requires you invest some of your own money, you should find out why. Don't invest in these services as they are probably scams. Tutoring services, like any other service, need employees in order to stay in business and should be paying you, not the other way around.

Set Rates for Tutoring Services
One of the best ways to avoid being scammed is to start your own tutoring business. Thanks to the Internet, you can advertise your services in online classifieds, community message boards, college campuses and other places you feel people will see your advertisement.
Setting rates, maximum distance you are willing to travel, how often you want to be paid and how many sessions you will offer each month will make it much easier for people to decide if they really want to use your services. By setting a flat, hourly rate, you can weed out those who are interested in tutoring, but who are unwilling to commit to paying you on a regular basis.
Create a contract outlining your rates and other information about the services you'll be providing. This will ensure that everyone involved understands what is expected.
Depending on your area of expertise, there may be many opportunities for you to find steady work.
Conducting Interviews
Before accepting any tutoring position, schedule a meeting so you can go over the job requirements, rates and other important information. During this meeting, take the time to ask your own questions. Rely on your instincts to determine which tutoring opportunities are worth pursuing and which ones to walk away from.
The more information you have about a tutoring assignment or tutoring service, the more secure you will be when accepting an assignment. When you find a tutoring opportunity online, always schedule a face-to-face meeting.  It is the best way to decide if the job is right for you.  The eBook Your Tutor In Business will guide you to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that so many beginners makeCheck it out here!

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